As light returns into the heart of darkness, I’m writing to thank you for another year of wonders. Because you, as one of our co-conspirators, are what makes our work sparkle and inspire.
Someone said to me, every time I work with you guys, amazing things happen in the room–and I replied, only because of who shows up to play in the fields of presence. Conspire means to breathe together, did you know?
This has been a big year here… the first one since 2007 that the Soul Motion Leadership Training is happening without me. What I wanted for the program–to include in the curriculum essential aspects of Embodied Inquiry–did not match Arjuna’s vision. Though we love and respect each other deeply, he decided to pursue a different direction and to let go of our collaboration in this area.
Which catapulted me onto a path that requires dancing daily on the radical edge of creative inquiry … in other words, riding (by the seat of my pants) the dual current of fear and ferocity, freak-out and faith, flying and flopping. Sometimes one more than the other.
While I continue to teach Soul Motion, the elegant practice for conscious dancing, slowly slowly Scott and I have been putting on new programs for moving with Life in all its human mess and divine magnificence: embodying presence through movement, opening the heart through feeling, and awakening the mind through deep listening to what really matters.
I look forward to when you join us next, so we can breathe together and make things happen.
Have a wonderful winter, and don’t forget to rest into the soft, still darkness before it gives way to the light again,
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