Join our Ongoing INtegrative training community to create and nourish the life & work you came here to do.

Wake up into Belonging

Online Programs

Learn the fundamentals of our Moving with Life approach to body– and movement–based exploration work.

Recorded Online Course

Embody 101

This experiential movinar is open to any body interested in accessible and portable practices for embodied moving, exploring, and expressing.

Recorded online course

21 Days of Dance:
The Movinar

Live Classes

The Marin Open Floor community has gathered thousands of people to dance and learn together since 1987. Offered every Saturday morning, and led by rotation.

Next class with Zuza on Saturday, JULY 27
09:30–11:30 am | San Rafael

Live, in person Class

Marin Community Dance

Body Prayer is a facilitated event devoted to inquiry into embodied consciousness through movement, offered every Sunday morning, and led by Zuza or another teacher.

Every Sunday Morning
10 am–12 noon | Sebastopol

Live, in person Class

Soul Motion®: Body Prayer

Workshops & Retreats

A magical excursion into oceanic movement with Zuza, Scott, and the Bimini Wild Dolphin Pod.

Book this week & get a discount of $555! Code: DREAM
(expires midnight July 28, 2024)

August 11-17, 2024
Island of Bimini in the Bahamas 

Tropical Retreat

Dreaming with Dolphins

This workshop qualifies as a prerequisite for the Moving with Life Yearlong Program.

16 CE credits for therapists & social workers

September 19-22, 2024

Middletown, CA


Sangha Gathering 

Previous experience recommended.

Four week-long, non-residential in-person modules in Sebastopol, CA

Starting OCTOBER 10, 2024

THE Yearlong training

Wake Up Into Belonging

180 CE credits for therapists & social workers

3 zoom sessions a month

PLUS other goodies TBA

5 CE credits for therapists & social workers

A one day in person workshop for self-expression, community connection and prayer.

November 9, 2024
Western Sky Studio | Berkeley, CA

November 9, 2024
Western Sky Studio
Berkeley, CA


Luminous Doom

This retreat requires completion of the Moving with Life Yearlong Program  (previously known as Body as Living Presence/BALP)

32 CE credits for therapists & social workers 

December 9-15, 2024


Going Deeper

December 20-27, 2024

27 CE credits for therapists & social workers 

For roommates and rides, sign up here 

For courses offering CE credits, please click here.  

Zuza’s ability to almost magically bring people to a sense of community is stunning. This is belonging that does not require a sacrifice of individuality but makes space for each person to be safe and to shine. 


The dance is my refuge– the inner temple as an eternal sanctuary always to return to. The more comfortable I feel in the solo dance the more alive I am with others.
I feel as if when I am facing the unknown in my life there is a force I can depend on.

- Isa

The aliveness I experience on Zuza’s dance floor gives me such a sense of my personal creativity that I am empowered in all aspects of my life. The drama in my life has decreased because, when it arises, I skip, leap and spiral over and around it.

-  Barbara Brannon – Artist Rep

The practice has allowed me to be more present in my work and at home. I’ve learned to observe more and speak less in relationship with my teenagers. I drop into the moment and feel my body which allows me to respond, rather than react. 

- Elizabeth Crowley – Advanced Bodyworker, Movement Teacher, Mom

Zuza creates a magic space for the participants which is rooted in her big heart and seems to expand endlessly into the open sky! She is a truly trustworthy leader who is walking (dancing) her talk. 

- Romana Tripolt (psychologist, psychotherapist, 5rhythm teacher

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